
TPTO:I Guess All Thats Left..

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gabrielsangel's avatar

Literature Text

I stared at Van Helsing, chained upon the ground like an animal for someone’s enjoyment. He struggled against the chains, trying to rise to his feet, but they only became tighter around his body. He fell to his knees, gasping for air. I felt the anger rise up within me like a great flow of lava.

“At last,” the Count smiled, his hands on my shoulders, “You’re mine.”

I could take it anymore. Gabriel a slave… Dracula breaking his promise… Enough was enough.

“You…. YOU MONSTER!” I screamed, pulling myself from his grasp and striking him across the face. I had moved so fast not even he could have seen it coming. I lunged at him, knocking him off his feet, but with an inhuman growl, he had twisted around and grabbed me by the throat. Getting to his feet, he slammed me against the wall. I couldn’t stop from screaming. His hands tightened around my throat, cutting off my air. I grabbed his hands, struggled to stay up.

“Don’t fool with me, child!” He spat, “Contract or no contract, I’ll make you mine before you could even- AGHHHHHHHH!”

I was taken aback by the Count’s roar. His hand dropped from my neck and I slumped down slightly, gasping for breath. Massaging my throat, I looked over his shoulder. I couldn’t believe my eyes!

“Carl!?” I cried.

Carl stood there, Van Helsing’s shotgun in his hand. He had aimed perfectly, shooting the Count right in the shoulder! He was shaking slightly, but his courage had stayed strong and his aim had been perfect.

“Good job Carl.” I heard Van Helsing hiss from where he was held captive.

“You ignorant fool!” The Count hissed, ripping the bullet from his shoulder and grabbing me again before I could break away.

“Carl, run!” I screamed; pulling against the fingernails Dracula had buried into my skin.

“Igor!” The Count called out for his servant. Within a moment, the malevolent hunchback appeared out of nowhere, holing a long leather whip. It crackled with electricity.

“Yes, Master?” He bowed slightly, despite the strange scene around him.

“Get the friar!”

“Yes master!” Igor took no time in charging for Carl, who sensibly jumped out of the way. The hunchback reached out to grab the friar, who quickly moved again. He raised his whip and struck, barely missing Carl’s shoulder and sending bolts of ecletricty across the room.

I watched the fight before looking down and seeing what looked a ball of white fire in the Dracula’s hand. My heart sunk with the fear. The Count looked at me and flashed a wicked smile,

“Say farewell to your friend.” He raised the ball, ready to strike with his power, but I was quicker. Forcefully jabbing him in the ribs with my elbow, the ball of fire moved off course, clearly missing Carl… and hitting IGOR instead! Within an instant, the little man was engulfed in flame before becoming nothing but a pile of ash and the handle of the whip!

I shoved Dracula away from me and turned to the friar.

“Carl, get out of here!” I yelled, “Get help, I’ll distract him!”

Carl stood frozen for a moment, hardly daring to believe what he had seen or done. He opened his mouth to protest, but I didn’t give him the chance.

“CARL, GO NOW!” I screamed.

He didn’t waist a moment to get away. I could see a plan forming in his eyes as he turned and rushed from the room.

“Come on, Carl, don’t let me down!” I thought as I looked back at the Count. I could see the inhuman furry brewing in those glowing yellow orbs of his.

“Distract me, will you my dear?” He hissed, “Well, then, let us see you do it!”

With a roar that came from the depths of hell itself, a demonic transformation began to take place. His skin turned to a deep ashen and long, demon-like wings formed from his back. His hands and feet turned to claws. His human body changed into his hell beast form. His wings were spread and his claws flexed in anticipation. I almost went weak in the knees at what lay before, but I held fast, I knew this was what I had to do.

Van Helsing struggled against the shackles. “Get out of here!” He screamed. “Don’t stay here!”

“Not on my life!” I yelled back to him, “I’ve done a lot of idiotic things in my life, but I will die before I leave the man I love behind to suffer.” I turned back to the Count, taking a fighting stance, “TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT, DRACULA!!!!!”

Carl shot through the halls of the castle, his mind racing for a quick way to make it to the dungeons. He knew if he didn’t get back soon Katie would be dead and Van Helsing would follow. He was running out of time.

“Come on, come on!” He whispered to himself as he sped down another flight of stairs, “There has to be a way in!”

Before long, he had reached the bottom of the staircase. He had reached a dead end. All that was there was a door going to who knew where. Carl tried the door knob. Locked.

“Damn it!” He spat. He slammed into the door with his shoulder, but it didn’t budge.

“I’ve gotta do something!” He thought. Suddenly, he looked down into his left hand, realizing that in his hurried state, he had forgotten he was carrying Van Helsing’s shotgun!

“Perfect!” His plan was working. Raising the shotgun, he aimed it at the lock on the door and fired.
The blast sent the lock flying and Carl was able to open the door and enter the awful smelling hallway that law before him. For even far away, he could hear tortured moans of prisoners.

The Dungeon.

He dashed down the hall, gazing in each cell, looking for anyone who could help him. He felt the angst settle into his heart as he couldn’t find anyone.

“How can I-”

Several furious roars interrupted his thoughts. Following the sound, he dashed to the final cell. Looking inside, he whispered a prayer of thanks to God. Seeing the keys on a hook beside the cell, he grabbed them, found the proper key and placed it in the hole. Taking a deep breath, he turned the key and opened the cell…

The Count hit me with the force of a truck. The moment I hit the wall, I thought I was dead. Then, I felt the broken bone and knew I was still alive. My arm was hanging at an odd angle and I was certain one of my ribs had cracked. Breathing heavily, I struggled to my feet, but the Count was not about to give me a moments rest.

The uppercut made its way to my chin and I hit the stonewall again, sliding down the granite until I made contact with the ground. I coughed and found blood on the ground. I reached for my mouth and was relieved to find all my teeth in place. All that dental work had been not been wasted.
“You are so lucky you didn’t knock out my teeth.” I smirked, “My mother would have killed you.”
Dracula laughed at this statement.

“I have to admit,” He said as he transformed back to his handsome human state, “I did not expect such a fight from you.”

I stumbled to my feet, grimacing, “What are you talking about? I’m just getting warmed up!”

I lunged for the Count, but my energy gave way, causing me to stumble and fall to the ground. Dracula laughed inhumanly as he approached me. I felt his hand grasp the back of my neck and lift me from the ground.

Van Helsing watched, open mouthed at the scene He tried to move, but nothing seemed to work. His eyes filled with tears of anger as he watched Dracula pulling me close to him.

My body was limp under his power; it was as though he was holding up a rag doll. One arm around me, the other on my throat, it was a perfect moment for him.

The Count looked over his shoulder at Van Helsing, his smile triumphant. He turned back to the helpless victim in his arms.

“I can imagine this was never how you planed your journey to end.” He whispered in my ear. He leaned his head back, allowing his long white fangs to descend over his lips. His head moved towards my neck, ready to bite.

“So much for true love!”
“Not yet!”

The Count’s head did not look up in time as something slammed into both of us. It caused me to fly out of his arms and land on the ground father away. There was a ruthless shriek. I raised my head in shock at the sight.

Standing there, in all their might, were three fully-grown werewolves.

The Count couldn’t even make a move before one of them bit him square on the neck. The others pounced upon his body, tore at his skin, causing even more shrieks. I had to look away from the bloody scene. I heard the tiers of flesh and the splatters of blood strike the ground. I covered my mouth with my one free hand and tried not to puke. Finally, the screams and growls subsided and looked back.

All that was left of the gruesome scene was a pile of ash and three werewolves with bloody mouths. They licked their lips and paws clean of the blood before simultaneously rising up to their full height and howling at the full moon. Their cries of triumph echoing in the night.

I turned my head and looked at Van Helsing. The chains around him turned to ash, settling in a pile around his feet as he rose once again. He brushed himself off and picked his hat up off the ground. The contact was broken now that Dracula was gone. He was free again! I sighed in relief.

The three were wolves lowered themselves back down from their battle cry and turned to Van Helsing. He looked at them too, his earth brown eyes hardening. The leader of the werewolves, a large werewolf with long black fur and forest green eyes, walked towards him. There was a moment of silence where I held my breath.

“Please.” I prayed, “Don’t let them fight.”

Suddenly, Van Helsing’s steal lips form a grateful smile and leaned forward very slightly in a small bow. I felt my jaw drop. Van Helsing was… bowing to a werewolf? Now there was the photo of a lifetime. The werewolf let out a deep growl and lowered himself slightly, just as Van Helsing had done. A sign of peace.

I smiled, happy in the fact that for once, Van Helsing was a peace with the creatures he hunted. I knew it would not last and that the next time they met, they would be enemies…

But for now, they were warriors, joyous over the fact that the dark prince known as Count Vladislaus Dracula had now been defeated.

There were footsteps coming from the open door and I was horrified for a moment that it was one of Dracula’s servants. But to my great surprise, there stood a breathless Carl in the doorway. His cheeks were red from the run, but a smile was pasted on this lips.

“Well done, boys.” He said as he approached the werewolves.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. Carl had always been afraid of anything that was not human and yet there he was, speaking to three fully-grown werewolves that could have swallowed him without needing a glass of water.

“You certainly made quick work of him.” Carl said proudly, trying to keep the mood light under extreme circumstances. The werewolf that had bowed to Van Helsing approached Carl with a stern gaze in his eyes.

“We fulfilled our part of the bargain.” The leader said to the friar, completely ignoring the complements, “Now you must do yours.”

Carl shivered a little, hoping that they would not desire to eat him once this was done, but nodded, “I release you from my service. Go in peace.”

The three wolves bowed low to Carl, much lower than they had bowed to Van Helsing, I noted. Without warning, they turned and ran from the room, heading back to the pacts from which they came.

I watched them go with awe. A feeling of freedom trailed them as they left the room. I rose to my feet, being careful of my hurt arm and looked across the way to Van Helsing. He looked back at me and his lips formed a delicate smile. Without warning, I ran at him, throwing my arms around him and hugging him as securely as I could. My broken arm hurt like all get out, but I couldn’t have cared less. I felt his arms enfold around me and lift me off the ground as though he were spinning me around. He picked me up as though I didn’t weigh a pound.

Carl watched on from the side, his eyes sparkling with beads of moisture. He took out a handkerchief and blew his noise, making such a noises that it interrupted our moment. Without knowing why, we both broke into a fit of laughter. Carl’s cheeks glowed bright red, but without knowing why, he too joined in our laughter, still letting his tears fall.

“Well.” He snuffled, “I think you could cut me some slack after what just happened.”

Gabriel placed me back on my feet before going over and giving Carl a good pat on the back.
“Yes… Yes, I do.” He said, “Thank you, my dear friend.” And he embraced that little friar with such gusto that I was certain poor Carl’s eyes were going to burst. I smiled and went over to them, joining in the group hug around the small man.

“Thanks for saving us, Carl.” I smiled. “That’s two we owe you.”

“Ah.” Carl strained, “Well, yes…” He pushed me and Gabriel back, allowing himself room to brushing off his robes. “Van Helsing, I swear, the next time you do that, you are gonna break my ribs!”
Van Helsing smiled, “It’s out of love.”

Carl’s eyebrows shot up, “Speaking of love.” He took my hand in his left hand and Gabriel’s hand in his right, “I think you too have put off something long enough.” He tenderly placed my hand in Gabriel’s and back away so that we could have some space.

For a moment, neither of us said anything, our eyes gazing down at our hands before we both looked up to see each other.

More than anything, I wanted to tell him everything that was on my mind, everything that I had been though, but for the umpteenth time in these past three days, I couldn’t find my voice. Instead, I lifted our joined hands and placed them to my cheek. I closed my eyes.
“Your hands are so soft.”

Gabriel’s hand unfolded from mine and placed itself on my cheek, his thumb gently brushing away a diamond tear forming in my eye. I looked up at him and couldn’t control myself as the salty droplets slid down my skin.

“I’m so sorry.” I whispered, “I never meant to cause all this trouble.”

Gabriel smirked, “Actually, under the given circumstances, it wasn’t that bad.”

I laughed, “I thought you would say that.” Without warning, I stepped closer to him and felt his arms wrap around my waist. My own hand went to his cheek.

“You know.” I said, “I never imagined… my first….” I blushed, “…to be like this.”

Gabriel smiled, “I don’t think either of us expected this.” We leaned in close and I felt his warm breath on my lips. I closed my eyes and waited. This was it.

Suddenly, there was warm blast of wind that ruffled the long strands of our hair. I opened my eyes and looked in the direction of the air.

Before us stood a portal. A portal swirling with vibrantly warm colors. It felt familiar somehow. Leaving Van Helsing’s side, I walked towards it. I reached out to it and placed my hands against the soft light. My hands slipped though and I felt a warm breeze and smelled a strong smell.
The smell of my room. This was a portal to take me home. Carl walked forward, reading my expression.

“I… I guess it’s time for you to go home.”

I thought for a moment about Mom and Rich. I missed them terribly… but after what just happened… I don’t think I could…

“No.” I said defiantly, “I’m not going home.”

Both Van Helsing and Carl stood still. Carl shook his head.

“But you have to go home. Don’t you have friends? Family?

“I do… but I can’t leave. Not after this.” I said, I turned away from the portal, only to walk right into Van Helsing. He was standing there, his eyes boring into mine. He placed his hands upon my shoulders and spoke in a soft tone I almost didn’t recognize.

“You need to go home.”

“I… I can’t.” I whispered, trying not to cry.

“You must.” He said, his voice unyielding, but frail, “You can’t stay here. You need to be with your family, your friends…”

“But I can’t leave you.” I begged him, “You don’t know what you mean to me.”

Suddenly, Van Helsing’s face became firm. He knelt before me, taking my hand in his and looking into my eyes.

“Katie, if you left your world, risked loosing your voice and your freedom to Dracula, traveling thousands of miles beside me, all in the small hopes that I might find love for you… then you are right.”

I felt confused, “Right about what?”

He grinned, “I don’t know what I mean to you.”

My feet slipped out from under me as I fell to my knees. His outstretched arms caught me in their grasp. I looked up at him, my lips quivering. I clutched to him and held him as tightly as I could, crying my eyes out. I felt his fingers slip under my chin and raise my face so I could meet his eyes again. He closed his eyes and leaned into me. Without warning, I felt his lips upon mine.

It was then that everything I knew about first kisses went out the window. The moment our lips touched, my surroundings faded into nothing. There was no magical spark or singing angels… but there was something. The way he held me, his mouth caressing my own, our bodies so close I could feel the warmth radiating from his clothes. The divine taste to his lips, like coffee and strawberries, tinted only slightly by the taste of the wild. There was a feeling there that I had only felt in my dreams. When our lips parted, I looked up at him, slowly sucking in the breath he had stolen from me.

“I can’t believe it.” I whispered.


“How right I was to wait for that.” I laid my head upon his chest and just listened to his breath. He held me securely, making sure that for that moment, we were both protected. The portal continued to glow and I realized that soon, I would have to leave this. Leave the one person I loved so much

“You need to go home.” He whispered.

We kissed once again before I walked towards the portal, reaching out my good hand to touch it… but I stopped.

“Will I see you again?” I looked back at him, my hair whipping about my face.

“I promise.” He said, “We will meet again.”

I lifted my hand and blew him a kiss, which he caught to his lips. I began to tear up again as I walked back towards the portal. Without another word, I stepped into the warm colors.

When I opened my eyes, I was kneeling next to my bed. Stands of wet hair were pressed against my cheeks. I wiped my eyes, brushing off small droplets from my cheek. I gazed at my surroundings. The soft bed with the dark purple comforter, the white walls covered in posters and various works of art. The moon shone vibrantly from the spotless window. I was back home.

I stood up and sat down on the corner of my bed. What had happened? Had I fallen asleep? Had it all been a dream? I rubbed my eyes, suddenly realizing my arm was not broken
Suddenly, there was a knock on my door.

“Sweetie? Katie, may I come in?”

My heart stopped, “Mom?” I croaked.

The door opened slowly and my mother entered the room. She wore a sullen look on her face and didn’t seem to look me straight in the eye. I didn’t care.

I jumped up and ran to my mom, cuddling her as tightly as I could. “Mom!” I whispered, “Mommy, I missed you!”

My mom stood there confused for a moment before putting her arms around me, “It’s only been ten minuets sweetie.” She said gently.

“It feels longer than that.” I told her, trying not to cry.

My mother smiled and moved over to the bed. We both sat down, our arms wrapped around each other.

“Honey, I’m sorry.” She said, “It’s not my place to tell you who you should or should not love.” She stroked my hair, the same way she used to when I was a little girl. “I just want you to be happy.”

I glanced up at her; my lips formed a true beam. “I am mom. I am very happy.”
As true as it was, the happiness didn’t last long. I miss Gabriel so much.

“Katie, get the door for me, will you?” My mother called from the bathroom. I sighed and walked away from the window.

“Sure mom!” I called as I walked down to the front door. I unlocked the door and opened it.
Before me stood a tall man. He wore navy blue jeans, a deep green turtleneck sweater and a long leather cloak. His boots were not as high as I remembered them, but they were still a deep brown leather. Even with his face shaved and his hat removed, there was no mistaking the man I had fallen in love with. I began to shed tears.

“How did you…?”

Someone cleared his throat and I looked behind him to see a small man with blood hair dressed in a black priests robe.

“I can explain that, you see-”

I held up my hand, “It’s okay Carl, it’s okay.” I lifted my head to look at Gabriel again. I saw he was holding his hat.

“I was hoping to blend in.”

I didn’t even hear him as that moment; my arms were around his neck, embracing him as tightly as I could.

“Excuse me!”

From the embrace, I turned around to see my mother standing there, mouth open, gaping.
I smiled and looked from my mom to the man standing beside me.

“Mom. I’d like you to meet Gabriel Van Helsing. He’s my soul mate.”
Is The Kiss... :floating:

A/N: Well, it’s completed:D After so long, yes, this story is done:D I hope you all liked it and enjoyed it! This story was one of my best and I love it dearly! AND THANK YOU ALL SOOOOO MUCH WHO READ AND ENJOYED THIS STORY!
*huggles and sooo much love*
Kudos, GBY and LYL!

Dedicated to: :iconsahkmet::iconjackandvanhelsing::iconkate-n: and everyone who wanted to read this story and enjoyed it! I LOVE YOU ALL! :hug::smooch:::heart::hug::love::smooch::love:
© 2007 - 2024 gabrielsangel
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TheFoxyEccentric274's avatar
"Mom, I'd like you to meet Gabriel Van Helsing. He's my soulmate."

What a PERFECT closing line!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: