
The Price To Pay Part 3

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Dinner that evening was something of a mystery as I had no idea what it was we were eating. Carl had burned most of the meat and Vegetables looked at tad runny. Still, I was never one to pass up a home cooked meal. I had just finished setting the places and Carl had put the last of the pots and pans to the side. We sat down and Van Helsing said a small prayer. Afterwards Carl had set down a few sets of wooden sticks that looked like chopsticks. The kind one would get at a Chinese restaurant. My eyes lit up. I immediately reached for them and picked up a piece of meat... only to see Carl and Van Helsing staring at me strangely. It was then I remembered they probably would not know about chopsticks, nor Chinese food. I quickly set them back into place and tried not to look too embarrassed. Carl then pointed out that the setting was for making kabobs. I sighed, happy I hadn’t made too much of a mistake and began to eat. Carl turned to Van Helsing,

“Go ahead, dig in.” He said happily. I noticed the look on Van Helsing’s face and wondered if he was going to be all right.

“Uh, well, you see Carl-”

“Oh my goodness! Yes, you are right! I was being rude. Our guest should have first go at it.” he said and smiled at me.

I looked up, a little surprised at this... but I nodded all the same and took up one of the kabob sticks. I stuck a few pieces of meat and some vegetables on there and nodded at the both of them. Van Helsing looked concerned while Carl looked hopeful. I smiled slightly and took a bite. My mouth jerked slightly, though I didn’t show it. Carl had really burned the meat. I chewed a little and swallowed. Surprisingly though, it was not that bad. Once you got past the burnt parts, it was really quite enjoyable. Carl gave a proud smile.

“There now, Van Helsing!” He said, “My food is quite edible.”

Van Helsing sighed, “For now.” He whispered and took up his own stick. The meal was all and all a quite pleasant one. Van Helsing and Carl just talked while I listened quietly, nodding every so often. I wished I could have joined in, but just hearing the both of them speak was wonderful... especially Van Helsing. His voice was so beautiful and so regal. Every time he spoke, my heart fluttered. Every so often our eyes would link and I would give him a small smile.

“It seems to me,” Carl said, “That the best place to look would be back in Budapest. At his summer palace.”

Van Helsing nodded, “It would be practical, he would be there.”

“However... what about our young guest?” He asked, looking concerned. Van Helsing sighed and put his meal down. He looked at me and spoke in a serious voice.

“You see, miss, we are on a mission to find and destroy a powerful vampire. It might be dangerous and I don’t want to put your life at risk.” He said serenely.

I looked him squarely in the eyes and nodded, as if to tell him I was not afraid. I would brave any danger for this man. I was willing to fight if I had to. Carl spoke up,

“It will be treacherous, my dear. Are you sure you want to do this?” He questioned carefully. I nodded. I would go with them. I had to go with them. It was my only chance to win Van Helsing’s heart. After tonight, I only had two more days. I had to make them count. After dinner, we decided to turn in for the evening. I was given the bed while Van Helsing and Carl tried desperately to get comfortable on the couch. I smiled, it had been a long day and they needed a good nights rest. I changed into a white night gown and placed my other clothes aside for tomorrow. I prayed to the good Lord above to bless them and keep them safe and to keep an angel watching over us. I also made a small prayer for my parents. They would be worried sick by now... I hoped they would be okay as I drifted off the sleep.

Strange dreams came to me that night…

I dreamt I was a mermaid. My tail was a long blue-ish green color and the shells I wore were light blue. My hair was flowing freely, except for a blight blue flower in my hair. I was in the middle of the ocean. I didn’t understand... what was going on. I tried to swim, when suddenly; a large yellow bubble encircled me. I flipped my tail, trying to escape, but I was trapped. Suddenly, a long tail snaked around my stomach and held me tightly. I turned and gaped in shock. It was Count Dracula! He floated there in the water. His chest was bare; but he was not a merman! His tail was long, cold and slimy, like that of an eel! He pulled me closer and looked deeply into my eyes. I tried to pull back and swim away, but he would not let me.

“Why swim away, my dear?” He hissed, “It’s so much better here.”

I flipped my tail again, trying to get free. He leaned in closer, a hand held my chin still, ready to clam my lips in a kiss. I knew that I couldn’t get away.
Suddenly, a harpoon came out of nowhere and speared Dracula’s arm. He let me go at once, but I was still trapped within the bubble. He swam out and saw his opponent. A merman. His hair was a long brown, his handsome face unshaven and careworn, his tail a deep, mystical blue... I started, That merman was Van Helsing. He drew his sword and pointed it at the Count who drew his sword as well. Their faces determined, they raised their swords and swam forward...

My eyes shot open and I leaned by gasping for air. I looked around, I was back in the inn. It had all been a dream! I breathed a sigh of relief and smiled as I saw van Helsing and Carl asleep on the sofa. I turned over and smiled to my side. I pulled the covers up closer and feel back asleep. My dreams lay soft and still that night.

I awoke the next morning with the golden sun lightly kissing my face. I rolled over and tried as hard as I could to go back to sleep. But a hand rested atop my shoulder and shook it very gently,

“Wake up, young one.” A soft voice whispered kindly, “It’s morning.” I opened my eyes slightly and looked up to see Carl smiling down on me and Van Helsing standing beside him. I gave them both a half smile and rolled out a bed. I stretched for a moment and looked at them. It was far to early in the morning. Either that or I had seriously over slept.

Van Helsing and Carl grinned, both of them knew what it was like to be woken up so early in the morning how annoying it could be. Van Helsing had finished packing up the bags and Carl had prepared a simple breakfast for us all. I dressed in the clothes I had been given last night, ate quickly and then helped Van Helsing with the bags. It wasn’t a lot to carry and we were lucky that it was only two or three bags. Van Helsing finished tying the bags into the satels of the horses and made sure all the tack was ready. I watched from the side, gently petting one of the stallions. Van Helsing watched with interest. He walked over and observed with a light smile on his face.

“He usually doesn’t like strangers.” Van Helsing commented as I stroked the horses mane, “You must have worked a great deal with horses.”

I shrugged. In truth I had taken horseback riding for a long time and even rode some Western Stallions, but I wouldn’t say I had a lot of practice. Animals respond to the emotions and your heart. If you give them a kind touch, they will accept it. I turned to him and smiled, wishing now, more than ever I could speak, but still nothing came... I lowered my eyes. He reached forward and gently cupped my chin in his hand, lifting my head to look into his eyes... those amazing brown eyes.

“How I wish I knew your name.” He whispered, his voice so soft. I smiled up at him, my throat felt bare and dry. Had I even had my voice, there was no way I could ever speak.
It was then I remembered. I only had two more days. Two more days to win his love... I had to make them count... otherwise- No! I wouldn’t think like that! I had to think positively! I would be with Van Helsing... forever and I loved him! I was in love... WITH HIM!

“There you two are!” We both turned to see Carl standing there, looking at us. Van Helsing gently released my chin and nodded at Carl,

“You’re certainly early. You checked out, I assume.” He said and mounted his horse.

“Of course, but after that horrid man complained about the smell of the room there was no way I could stand there and just let him drone on and on about my cooking!” Carl said, huffing in his usual manner when he was upset. I smiled at that and went over to give him a hug to make him feel better. Carl seemed rather shocked, but happy nonetheless as he mounted his horse. Van Helsing rode over beside me and held out his hand. I grinned at him and grasped his hand as he pulled me up onto the horse.

“Hang on.” He said softly, “He tends to go rather fast... YAH!” He gave his horse a slight kick and he took off! I was pushed back against Van Helsing ‘s chest as this horse began to lope all the way to the end of town, Carl’s horse was right behind him. We reached the end of the town and down to the newest path. Van Helsing’s face became more serious, as though he knew something was out there... something bad. He gripped the reigns with one hand and wrapped his other arm around my waist. I swear now that I could have died. Carl came beside us, he too looked concerned.

“Are you certain you want to do this?” He asked, his voice clam and frightened at the same time.

Van Helsing didn’t look at him, he looked right at the forest, “It’s the fastest path to Budapest. It’s our best bet.”

I knew that voice. It was a voice not even Carl would dare to argue with. He simply nodded and I could feel Van Helsing’s arm hold me tighter. I closed my eyes,

“YAH!” Van Helsing gave his horse another slight kick and both horses took off into the forest. They seemed to be going with such haste and urgency... what did they know that I didn’t? The horses continued at top speed, refusing to stop for anything. They dogged trees and bushes and uneven ground, tunnel finally, they came to a halt in a small clearing, neared the edge of a small pool of water. They panted, completely out of breath. The poor things. Van Helsing and Carl gave their horses good pats on the neck and dismounted. This time, I let Van Helsing help me down. He took the horses reigns and led them over to the pool, where he took off their bridles and allowed them to take a long drink. They nickered in thanks. I walked over and stroked their necks gently, before giving Van Helsing a questioning look. He nodded,

“The forest has been owned by Dracula for more than 500 years. His spies are everywhere. The sooner we leave this forest, the better.” He explained, before he took knelt down and began to drink from the pool of water. Carl came over and knelt beside him,

“Well, at least we were lucky.” He said, filling up his canteen with water and taking a drink himself. “We could have run into something out of the ordina-”

“Hello!” The horses reared up on their hind legs and Carl jumped back in fright. Van Helsing simply started in the utmost shock. After a moment, everyone had calmed down. I rubbed my eyes... I couldn’t believe it...

in the pool of water... there was...

A Mermaid! The most beautiful Mermaid I had ever seen. She had to have been older than me though, maybe 17 or 18. She had very light, pale skin and her eyes were of the truest blue. Her hair was red... deep, deep red. She had a pink flower in her hair through. Her tail was composed of green scales and she wore violet sea shells. She smiled at Van Helsing, a sweet, innocent smile and spoke again.

“Hello.” She said again. Her voice was so pretty, like that of an angel. Van Helsing tipped his hat to her,

“M'lady.” He said kindly, “Are you all right? We didn’t mean to frighten you.” She smiled at him,

“Of course I am okay. You didn’t frighten me... I was just wondering... what are those?” She pointed up to the two Stallions. It was curious... it was almost if she had never seen a horse before.

“These?” Van Helsing gave his horse a pat, “These are the finest horses in the world, Transylvanian Stallions.”

“Stallions?” She asked, she looked horribly confused. Suddenly, her eyes lit up, “Oh! I see! They are like sea horses, except they have five tails instead of one!”

Carl looked at her with so much interest, “Curious... half human... half fish... wondrous.” he looked her right in the eye.

“And you’re all human!” She said happily, resting a finger on his nose. That made me smile. I wished I could have laughed. That was when she noticed me. She looked up and we linked eyes. Her face became even softer,

“Who is that? Is she your youngling?” She asked Van Helsing.

“Oh! No, we don’t know who she is.” Van Helsing said, looking back at me. I blushed a deep shade of red. The Mermaid looked confused,

“Didn’t she tell you her name?” The Mermaid questioned, looking at the two men.

“She can’t speak.” Carl said in a very discreet voice, as though not to upset me.

The Mermaid smiled at me and beaconed me to come forward. I looked at her in the strangest way before I came forth and knelt down in front of her. She smiled warmly and swam closer. Then, she reached out and touched my forehead gently,

“Greetings, young one!” I jumped in fright, her voice was inside my head!

“What? How are you... how am I speaking?” I sounded in shock, I knew for a fact this was impossible.

“We are speaking through your mind.” She explained, “This way, you don’t have to talk.”

“I can’t talk... not anymore.” I said sorrowfully.

Her eyebrows furrowed, “You mean, you could speak before?” She questioned.

“Yes.” I nodded.

Van Helsing and Carl watched on with interest. Was it possible this creature was speaking to the young girl through the mind. Neither man wanted to interrupt, but the atmosphere was filled with questions. Carl was itching to ask how it worked and Van Helsing wondered what it was that they were talking about that was so important.

The mermaid came even closer, “Were you sick?” She asked, “Is that how you lost your voice?”

“No.” I looked away, ashamed and sad at what I was about to say. I was not ashamed of my love for the great hunter... I was ashamed at my choice, “I lost my voice... because of him.” I looked at Van Helsing with soft eyes. she looked at him to and then turned back to me.

“Did he do something...?”

“No. I did... I made a bargain so that I could be with him.” I explained, “A powerful vampire said he would find a way to let me be with him... in exchange for my voice.” I told her. Her eyes widened. She looked at me with shock.

“You did that?” She asked softly. I nodded, I knew she thought I was crazy. Instead, I felt a hand under my chin and she turned my head to look at her,

“That is nothing to be ashamed of.” She whispered, “That takes remarkable courage... I should know.” She smiled at me again, this time, she looked so familiar and her own voice sounded...

“What is your name?” She asked me gently.

“Kathryn... but everyone calls me Katie.” I told her.

“’Pure one’.” She said, “That is a lovely name... And don’t be afraid. You’re love for him is strong and pure... you’ll see... everything will work out.”

I wanted so badly to ask her what her name was, but I didn’t get the chance as she took her hand away and smiled at both Carl and Van Helsing. Her eyes rested on Van Helsing for a moment.

“Her name is Katie.” She said simply, before she dove under the surface of the water and vanished from sight.

I looked to try to see her under the water, but she was gone so fast... and reality kicked in... she had told him my name... I looked up at Van Helsing, his eyes soft and serene.

“Katie...” He whispered, like a fine wine on his tongue, “What a lovely name.”

I smiled at him; my cheeks grew warm. Carl cleared his throat and we both turned to him,

“Short for Kathryn, no doubt.” He asked. I nodded and grinned at him. It felt nice that they both finally knew my name; a sense of peace hit me quite well. Van Helsing gave a small smile and rose to his feet. He looked up at the sky and closed his eyes. I could tell he was listening... or waiting for something.

“It will be getting dark soon.” He said after a moment, “Since we have already found water here, we can make up camp near by.”

Carl nodded, “There should be something edible near by.” He agreed and started off looking. I laughed without making a sound and looked up at Van Helsing.

“I already brought something to eat, Don’t worry.” I grinned at him and moved to stand up. I felt a hand grab hold of mine and he pulled me up slightly. I smiled again, my cheeks bright red and went to help Carl set up camp. I could feel Van Helsing’s eyes on me... even as I walked away.

I went and joined Carl beside a small clump of bushes. He was looking at different berries and leaves. None of which were any good, but Van Helsing would be able to tell him that.
I started looking for twigs and logs to build a fire.

“It must be very difficult.” Carl’s soft voice pierced the silence. I turned around to face him, a confused look on my face.

“Not being able to speak... not being able to say what you want to say.” He said softly, “I’m sorry.”

I walked over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder, letting him know it was okay. He nodded at me in understanding and smiled. I touched my throat... thinking about the fact that if I did win Van Helsing’s love, I would never be able to tell him how I felt. How deeply I cared for him. I smiled at Carl and walked back over to the pool of water where I had seen that mermaid only moments ago. I started into the water longingly, as though wanting to dive in. How I wished I could be that mermaid right now! So beautiful... with such an amazing voice. Then Van Helsing might like me... for sure, he just might...


I spun around to see Van Helsing standing there, his eyes trained on mine. He came beside me and sat down. He removed his hat, gloves and the golden ring he wore on his beautiful fingers.

“Some day, huh?” He asked, a small smile on his lips and he splashed water on his face.

I nodded and smiled back at him. The water splashed across his face as though awed by his handsome features. I blushed a little as I realized I was staring at him. He looked at me again, his eyes grew soft.

“What do you hide behind those saddened eyes?” I looked at him, not understanding his question.

“I’ve seen eyes like yours... another woman. They were brown though, earth brown. She lost everything she knew and loved.” I stared at him, never had I heard him speak so... deeply. I felt myself wanting to cry, begging myself to try to speak. I had to say something. I couldn’t take it. I moved to leave, but a strong hand grabbed my wrist. I looked back at Van Helsing.

“Don’t go.” He whispered. I obeyed and sat beside him. He laughed slightly.

“How is it?” He asked, “How is it that you are one of the most entrancing people I have ever met and I know nothing about you?”

I looked at him in such a way, reaching out, I touched his face. His rough skin tickled mine. He pressed my hand to his face, never letting go.

“I wish...” He whispered, “I wish I could hear you speak... just once...”

I leaned forward... my eyes grew soft as I closed them. I could feel it, his breath on my lips... this was it...

...a howling of a wolf interrupted us. Van Helsing’s eyes shot open and looked up.

“Werewolf.” He whispered and rose to his feet. He looked down at me,

“Don’t worry. Stay here, I’ll be back in a moment.” He raised off into the woods. I caught the end of him calling for Carl... but nothing more.

I looked back down at the pool of water, striking it with my hand. The moment was gone.
The kiss would have to wait another day…

Dracula roared with rage as he threw his goblet to the wall.

“Damn it!” He cursed, “That was close... TOO close!” He snarled angrily, knowing that if he had not sent that wolf, the kiss would have already happened.

“She’s better than I thought!” Dracula spat... but stopped. A smile spread across his pale lips.

“Yes...” He smiled, “Much better than I thought.”

He reached into his cloak and pulled out the glass crucifix that contained Katie’s voice. His eyes gleamed as he watched the light glow and swirl in the glass. He could just barely make out a few soft notes.

“Oh, little Katie,” He whispered, “You will be mine... and then I will make your beloved Van Helsing suffer before your very eyes! You will both belong to me before the sun sets!”

He laughed evilly before he turned his head and called, “Aleera!”

Without even a moment, she had come before him.

“Yes my master?” She bowed.

Dracula waved his hand and within a moment, she was dressed as a peasant girl. The crucifix had changed to a glass locket. He smiled and placed the necklace around her throat.

“How would you like the chance to seek revenge on Van Helsing?”

Aleera smiled, she knew exactly what her master had in mind.

“Of course my love.” She bowed to him and left. But something had been different...
Instead of her own voice... she was speaking through Katie’s!
She has her three days. How is she going to spend them. And who will get in the way of the kiss?

P.S. I don’t own any of the Van Helsing characters. (Sadly. :( ) Nor do own anything from The Little Mermaid. This is all in pure fun. :hug: :love: :glomp:

Dedication: To the increadable and wonderful ~Dracarea , who is an increadable artisit and a wonderful friend. :hug: :love: God Bless You! :hug: :floating: :floating: :floatong:
© 2006 - 2024 gabrielsangel
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Dracarea's avatar
Thank you SOOOOOO muchly!!!!!! :heart::heart::heart:

Your story is WONDERFUL, INCREDIBLE and I do really LOVE it!!! :hug::cuddle::smooch::glomp::highfive: